I give up...
Jag känner mig som en tjatig mamma som försöker trycka i mina barn sallad, men jag måste nog helt enkelt erkänna att det är lönlöst. På något sätt så lyckas hundarna bara peta ut det goda ur matskålen men salladen, ja den lämnar dem så här fint på golvet...
I feel like a nagging mum trying to force my kids to eat salad, but I guess I must admit that my struggle is useless. In some way the dogs success to only eat whats welltasting but the salad, well they leave it like this at the floor...
I feel like a nagging mum trying to force my kids to eat salad, but I guess I must admit that my struggle is useless. In some way the dogs success to only eat whats welltasting but the salad, well they leave it like this at the floor...
Florian and Svea love tomatoes but I haven't tried to give them carrots and appels. Cleo never eats vegetable or fruit, she only eat the good stuff such as meat ;)
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From my all beardies only Lily like salad and love tomatoes. All likes carrots and apples.